How to Prepare Your Yard for Labor Day Weekend

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How to Prepare Your Yard for Labor Day Weekend

August 28, 2019

Ah, Labor Day — the unofficial end of summer! While this weekend may make you a bit sad that one of the warmer seasons is coming to a close, there’s no reason why you can’t go out with a bang. If you’re planning on having some friends and family over to celebrate summer, make sure your yard is ready to welcome everyone and make them feel right at home.

Get Rid of Clutter

Is your yard currently littered with gardening equipment and the kids’ toys? Clean it up! If something doesn’t belong on the lawn, put it away so your guests have plenty of room to walk and roam throughout your party safely.

Clean Off Your Furniture

When was the last time you gave your patio furniture a good scrubbing? Before everyone comes over, use your hose to spray down tables and chairs, followed by throwing any removable cushion covers into the wash to get them beautifully clean. Additionally, if your furniture cushions are torn or otherwise damaged, consider replacing them.

Add Lights

While the sun still sets later on in the day, once the evening hours roll around, you don’t want to be forced to take the party inside— or end it altogether (just because your yard gets dark). Whether you decide on hanging lights, putting solar lamps among walkways, or a few tiki torches, add some lighting instruments to your yard so the fun doesn’t have to stop when the sun goes down.

Clean Your Siding

All the decorations you place around your yard for the party will be diminished if your siding is covered in dirt and other grime. Using either a low setting on a power washer or a soft bristle brush, clean off your siding so your guests will only see a beautiful home.

For all your siding needs around Norwalk, CT, trust the experts at JM Roofing & Siding. We can replace or replace your siding to ensure your home is safe and beautiful year-round. Contact us today for a free estimate.