The Most Beautiful Architecture from Around the World

Just like a painting or sculpture, buildings themselves can be a work of art. In honor of World Architecture Day, we’re taking a look at just a few of the most famous and beautiful buildings from around the world.

Lotus Temple, New Delhi

Located in New Delhi, the Lotus Temple is a Bahá’í House of Worship. With 27 curving “petals” that remarkably mimic the look and feel of a lotus flower, it’s easy to see how this building got its name. Since being completed in 1986, the Lotus Temple has become one of the most visited buildings in the world, attracting more than 100 million people per year.

Lotus Temple in New Delhi, India

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

Perhaps the most appropriately named building on our list, the Leaning Tower of Pisa really does lean — 4 degrees to be exact. And the reason for its famous tilt? Soft ground. Despite the fact that the ground was too soft to bear the structure, building promptly began in 1173 and continued for an incredible 300 years. But if you want to see it in person, you better get a move on, since it’s estimated the tower will fall or be taken down (for safety reasons) within the next 75 years.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur

For nearly a decade, these twin skyscrapers held the title for tallest buildings in the world. Every year, the pair draws millions of tourists to Kuala Lumpur and remains one of the city’s proudest landmarks.

Petronas Towers

La Pedrera, Barcelona

It’s hard to make stone and brick feel like it’s flowing like water, but that’s exactly what architect Antoni Gaudi achieved with the La Pedrera — a building he said was inspired by the irregularities of the world around us.

Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur

One World Trade Center, New York

Standing at an impressive 1,776 feet tall, the One World Trade Center is the fourth tallest skyscraper in the world. Built directly across from the 9/11 memorial, the One World Trade Center stands as a symbol of light and pride. In fact, its height is a direct nod to the year the Declaration of Independence was signed — 1776.

One World Trade Center New York

At JM Roofing and Siding, we want to make your home feel like a piece of artwork. That’s why the siding we install will protect your home, save energy, enhance the value of your property, and last for years. Whether you’re looking to replace or update your siding, we’ve got your house covered! For more information, give us a call at 203-299-0716.

How to Keep Your Neighbors Happy During Your Home Renovation

No one enjoys a renovation. But construction is a necessary evil for most homeowners. And after all, at the end of it, you get a beautiful new kitchen or exterior. But your neighbors — they get nothing. Especially in the suburbs, where houses are only a few feet apart, homeowners can hear every bit of construction that’s going on within at least a block.

Keep neighbors happy during construction

If you’re in the process of turning your house into a home, here are a few ways to ensure that your neighbors will still be neighborly with you, once everything is said and done.

Give everyone a heads up.

A few days before construction begins, give your closest neighbors a quick call and let them know that you’ll be doing construction on your house for the next few days. Now, they’ll know to leave for work a few minutes earlier than normal, to account for the extra trucks on the street.

Stick to a schedule.

While you’ve got them on the phone, ask your neighbors if they’d rather construction start and end earlier in the day, or later. While you won’t be able to accommodate everyone’s needs, you’ll be able to make the majority happy.

Check in with your neighbors.

Especially if construction is going to last a few weeks or months, you should get your neighbors’ input at the halfway point. Are workers leaving things on your neighbor’s lawn? Are they taking up all of the parking? These are things you might not notice, but your neighbors do. Really go the extra mile and bring a plate of cookies or fresh brownies over to them too.

Invite them over.

Once everything is completed, invite your neighbors over for a dinner party to thank them for their patience. You’ll get to show off your newly renovated house, and they’ll get a beautiful dinner — win, win!
At JM Roofing and Siding, we promise two things: you’ll love your new siding or roof and we’ll be the tidiest, most courteous crew you’ve ever worked with! We understand that construction isn’t a walk in the park for anyone, that’s why we work hard to leave your home (and your neighbor’s home) cleaner than when we got there!

18 Ways to Conserve Water in Your Home

The average person in Europe uses 50 gallons of water a day. But here in America, the average Joe uses just north of 100 gallons of water a day. Believe it or not, you could still enjoy green lawns, warm showers, and flourishing plants with half of the amount of water you’re using today, you just have to know how to “stretch” your water.

Water conservation JM Roofing and Siding

In honor of Water Monitoring Day this September 18, we’re sharing 18 ways you can conserve water at home.

  1. Turn the water off while you brush your teeth.
  2. Water plants and your grass in the morning. Because the sun isn’t as strong around 8 a.m., your water won’t evaporate as quickly.
  3. Choose a shower over the bath. A bath uses 70 gallons of water, while a 10-minute shower only uses about 25 gallons.
  4. Throw your dishes in the dishwasher instead of hand washing them. Good news for whoever is responsible for the dishes in your home!
  5. But just make sure the dishwasher is completely full.
  6. After cooking something that requires a pot of boiling water, leave the water to cool and then water your potted flowers with it.
  7. Have any leaky faucets fixed immediately.
  8. Bring your car to a car wash that recycles its water, instead of doing it yourself in the driveway.
  9. Wash your dog outside. Now, all of the water he splashes around will fall on your grass, instead of your floors.
  10. The next time you’re in the market for new appliances, look for toilets, shower heads, and washing machines that are energy efficient or use low-flow technology.
  11. Leave food out earlier in the day to let it defrost over time, instead of using warm water to thaw it.
  12. Always wash full loads of laundry.
  13. Cut your shower down by just a few minutes. Taking five minutes off of your normal shower time will save more than 10 gallons of water.
  14. Arrange your sprinklers so that they’re watering your lawn and not your driveway or sidewalk.
  15. Shrink your lawn or replace it completely with gravel, wood chips, or succulents.
  16. Cover your pool when you’re not using it, to prevent water from evaporating.
  17. Reuse your towels two or three times before throwing them in the wash. This will cut down on your load sizes and water-use considerably!
  18. Share all of these ideas with your kids so that they’ll grow up conscious of water conservation!

In addition to saving water this season, make sure you’re keeping an eye on your overall energy use as well. At JM Roofing and Siding, the siding we install will protect your home, save energy, enhance the value of your property, and last for years. Whether you’re looking to replace or update your siding, we’ve got your house covered! For more information, give us a call at 203-299-0716.

3 Reasons Why Fall is The Best Time to Reside Your Home

With only eight days until the official start of fall, it’s time that we finally say “goodbye” to summer. But hey, it’s not all bad! In addition to comfy sweaters, pumpkin spice drinks, and comfortable weather, fall is also the best time to do work on your house. Now, all of you “DIY-ers” can get a jump-start on your outdoor projects without sweltering in the sun or freezing in the snow. But there is one project you shouldn’t attempt yourself — siding. Instead of waiting for yet another winter to pass, here are a few reasons why fall is the best time to reside your house.

JM Roofing and Siding Fall Siding

The Weather

Siding responds to changes in the weather. When it’s hot, vinyl siding can expand. And just the opposite, it begins to shrink in the cold weather. If you’re installing siding when the temperature is too far in either direction, it can affect how your siding is installed and can lead to spaces or gaps in the future.

Save Heating Costs

Think of your home’s siding as its winter coat. If you have pieces of siding that are falling off, cracked, or poorly insulated, your house is going to be pretty cold. You’re then going to have to make up for the influx of cool air by bumping up your thermostat.

No Excess Moisture

Humidity and rain can also affect how well your siding lays. The humid summer months and rainy spring season can cause your siding to warp and peel. Plus, with excess moisture comes an increased chance of mold and mildew — every home owner’s worst nightmare! When you install siding in the late summer or early fall, you give it a few months to settle before being inundated with snow and water.

At JM Roofing and Siding, the siding we install will protect your home, save energy, enhance the value of your property, and last for years. Whether you’re looking to replace or update your siding, we’ve got your house covered! For more information, give us a call at 203-299-0716.

10 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Gutters

It’s probably not the first thing you think about when you pull up to your house at the end of a long day, but your gutters go through a lot. Between the wind, rain, snow, hail, bugs, and the occasional rogue frisbee, your gutters take a beating almost every day. And while these little guys are sturdier than you may think, they can still start to breakdown after a few years. And if your gutters aren’t performing their best, it’s only a matter of time before they start to affect the rest of your home.

10 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Gutters

If you notice any of these things affecting your gutters, it’s time to call the professionals!

  1. The seams are cracking and holes are starting to form. This can be caused by normal wear and tear or because of small animals climbing on them. 
  2. Your gutters have started to rust. Gutters made from aluminum or other types of metal are more likely to rust than plastic ones.   
  3. The fasteners have started to loosen. Heavy rainfall or snow can sit in your gutters for a long time and weigh it down.
  4. Your gutters are sagging. If your gutters were installed improperly, water can pool at that slight slump. Over time, that extra weight will bring down just one section of your gutters and cause a noticeable divot.
  5. Dirt runoff. While this isn’t necessarily a major reason to replace your gutters completely, it’s a clear sign that they need to be cleaned and serviced!
  6. You’re finding nails and screws on the ground. If you’re finding hardware on the floor, but aren’t sure why, take a look up towards the sky. Animals may be knocking your gutter’s screws loose.
  7. Your exterior paint is peeling. As water falls out of your gutters, it will start to seep down the side of your house. Overtime, it will cause your paint and siding to peel or warp.
  8. Water is pooling in just one area. Water should flow freely through all of your gutters. While you by no means have to stand outside during the next rain storm looking at your gutters, you should take a look at them the next time it’s raining, to make sure all of that rain water is going where it’s supposed to go.
  9. Waterlogged or damaged landscape. If rain can’t travel through your gutters and to your downspout, it’ll likely just pool over the side. When this happens, rain water will flood your plants and landscape — and not in a good way.
  10. A flooded basement. Hopefully, you notice some of the above, less severe signs, before ever getting to this point. But if you notice your basement is flooding, your roof may not be the only culprit.

For 15 years, JM Roofing & Siding has been a family owned and operated residential roofing and siding company, proudly serving New Canaan, Greenwich and Norwalk areas.

Why is My Siding Peeling Off?

While your siding’s main job is to protect your home from the elements, it does a lot more than just that. Your siding is the first thing people see when they visit your house, meaning it can make or break a first impression. That’s why so many homeowners are upset when they find out that their beloved siding is peeling. If your siding is peeling, these may be a few of the reasons why.  

JM Roofing and Siding Why is my Siding Peeling Off?

Weather. Weather is the primary culprit when it comes to damaged and peeling siding. Years of sunlight, rain, temperature fluctuations, and hail can all cause your siding to dent or peel. Depending on where you live, certain types of siding perform better in different climates. Here in the Northeast, you’ll want to invest in siding that repels moisture.

Poor Installation. Even the highest quality siding can be easily ruined if it’s not installed properly. That’s why it’s critical that you never try to install siding yourself. Instead, call a local and trusted company to professionally install your siding. The little extra money you spend now will be well worth it when you enjoy 10+ years of beautiful siding.

Missing or Damaged Underlay. The underlay you place beneath your siding is just as important as the siding itself. If you don’t have a metal or ceramic underlay, your home is more prone to drafts and leaks. Over the years, all that extra moisture can really take a toll on your siding and cause it to peel away from the house.

Age. Strong, properly installed siding can last for years, but it won’t last forever. There’s a strong chance that your siding is just old and needs to be fully replaced. If your siding hasn’t been updated in more than 10 years, contact a professional who can advise you on whether you should repair just the peeling pieces or replace the siding completely.  

If your siding isn’t what it used to be, call JM Roofing & Siding! Whether you’re looking to replace or update your siding, we’ve got your house covered! For more information, give us a call at 203-299-0716.

Ladder Safety 101

The best way to stay safe on a ladder is to never step foot on one. Unfortunately, that’s not an option for many homeowners. While you should never use a ladder to get onto your roof (since in 2014, there were 647 fatal falls from a roof to a lower level) there may come a time when you need a ladder to grab something out of your gutters or to change a lightbulb. If and when that time does come, here are a few ways you can ensure your safety on a ladder.

JM Roofing and Siding Ladder safety 101

  1. Inspect the ladder before you get on it. You should be looking for dents, cracks, or loose bolts. If you do find any damage, you shouldn’t use it until it has been fixed.
  2. Put slip-resistant pads on each foot of the ladder.
  3. If you’ll be working anywhere near electrical wiring, never use a metal ladder. Instead, you should always use a fiberglass ladder.
  4. Always place your ladder on solid, stable ground.
  5. Ask someone to stand at the base of the ladder and spot it while you’re climbing up.
  6. When climbing up a ladder, always have three points of contact with it — one hand and both feet, or both hands and one foot.
  7. Never carry tools or heavy equipment up a ladder. Not only can this cause you to lose your balance, but equipment can easily fall and strike people standing down below.
  8. Never stand on the top level of a ladder.
  9. Don’t lean or stretch while standing on a ladder, as this can cause you to lose your balance.
  10. If you can, avoid setting ladders up near doors or in heavily trafficked areas.

If you’re in need of a roof inspection, leave your ladder in the garage and give JM Roofing & Siding a call at (203) 299 – 0716! In addition to emergency roof repairs, we can replace your roof in a matter of days and offer customers a variety of roofing options.

Most Common Places for Roof Leaks

After nearly 10 years of wedded bliss in your home, it finally happened — you have a leak. While strong materials and great craftsmanship can make your roof last for years, at some point, every roof is going to endure some minor problems. Aside from the obvious answer — a.k.a. the roof — here are some of the most common places you can find a roof leak.

Most Common Places for Roof Leaks | Roof Repair Norwalk | Darien

Around the chimney. Between the gap of your chimney and roof, there’s a piece of metal or plastic known as flashing. For the first few years, this flashing lays flushed to the roof and chimney. But years of rain, wind, and dust can drive a wedge between the two pieces, leaving room for water to sneak inside your house.

Near problematic shingles. Over the years, the shingles on your roof will need to be replaced, either due to natural aging or because of a storm. In addition to letting water through to your home, these shingles can also become a host for mold and mildew.

The gutters. When gutters are clogged with leaves, dirt, and other debris, they can’t carry water away from your house. After a heavy rain, your gutters will likely overflow, causing rainwater to sit on your roof. During the winter, this water can also freeze and cause your gutters to crack or detach from the house completely.

Valleys. The valley of your roof is the section where two planes intersect. After a few years, the piping, flashing, or rubber material that covers this seam can become worn down, leaving low spots for water to collect.

Vents. To prevent mold from growing in your attic, it must be properly ventilated. But while these vents provide numerous health benefits (both for you and your house) they also create gaps near your roof that water can flow in from. 

The best way to protect your roof from leaks is to have your roof inspected regularly for any weak spots, missing shingles, or open seams. At JM Roofing & Siding, we can not only inspect your roof and make you aware of any of these problems, but we can also fix them in a timely and efficient manner!

Switching to Solar? Don’t Make These Costly Mistakes

Solar power has taken over the country. Just last year, one million solar panel systems were installed in the United States. And there are plenty of reasons to go solar: they can save you thousands on your electric bill, they’re a great investment, and they’re eco-friendly. But before you jump on the solar bandwagon, there are a few important, and costly mistakes you’ll want to avoid.

Switching to Solar Don't Make These Common Mistakes

Mistake #1: Installing new panels on an old roof.

Make no mistake, solar panels are heavy and designed to last for nearly 30 years. If you try to install panels on an old roof, it could collapse under the pressure. If you think your roof will need to be updated in the near future, do any roof repairs first!

Mistake #2: Not looking into rebates and tax incentives.

Don’t be afraid to admit it! One of the main reasons why people choose to go solar is for the tax breaks. But in addition to the rebates you get for just adding solar panels, there are a number of other, lesser-known, tax breaks you could be taking advantage of too.

Mistake #3: Choosing less-expensive solar panels.

If you had the chance to buy two identical products, but one was twice as expensive, would you buy the more expensive one? Probably not. For most things, it’s perfectly fine to choose the cheaper option, but unfortunately, solar panels are the exception. At first glance, going with a less expensive model may seem tempting, but you know the saying — “you get what you pay for.” Meaning in just a few months, you could be looking at some pretty serious problems.

Mistake #4: Attempting to do it yourself.

Any roof repairs or renovations are dangerous, but add in heavy solar panels and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster. Whenever you’re doing a roof repair, make sure to call on a trusted team of professionals!

Thinking of adding solar panels to your roof? Before you even look into panel brands, make sure your roof is up to the challenge of holding them. No matter what you’re looking for, JM Roofing & Siding can provide you with a wide variety of residential roofing services. To learn how our experienced roofers can help you, give us a call at 203-299-0716!

4 Common Summer Roof Problems (And How to Fix Them)

Roof problems are an unfortunate, but very, real part of home ownership. And while you can do your best to care for it, every roof is going to need a bit of maintenance every once in awhile. This summer, be on the lookout for problems caused by these four things.

Common Summer Roof Problems | Roof Repair Norwalk | Darien

Wind. There doesn’t have to be a storm for wind to damage your house, since even light wind can pull up a shingle. The best way to protect your roof is to have it inspected every few months. And if you see a shingle that’s starting to curl, have it changed immediately.  

Tree limbs. Fallen tree limbs can dent or scratch your roof. More importantly, they can fall off the roof and hurt someone standing below. Prevent branches from landing on your roof in the first place by cutting any long tree limbs. If a branch ever does make its way onto your roof, call someone to have it removed immediately.    

Birds and small animals. Woodpeckers can make surprisingly large holes in the side of your roof, leaving it susceptible to mold and insects. Raccoons can even pull up shingles and flashing as they work their way into an attic. Keep these critters from getting onto your roof by never leaving food in your attic and cutting tree limbs, which act like a bridge to your roof, short.

Rain. Especially after the few weeks we’ve had here in Connecticut, everyone is probably aware of the damage a lot of rain can have on your roof. The best way to protect your roof from water damage is to choose a roofing material that will last, and have it installed by a trusted company that won’t cut corners.


What’s one more danger facing residential roofs? A lack of maintenance! Minor problems, like missing shingles and small leaks are the number one cause of larger problems. The moment you see a problem, give JM Roofing and Siding a call! From small repairs to constructing entirely new roofs, we can handle anything summer weather throws at us!