Roofing Options for Your Summerhouse

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Roofing Options for Your Summerhouse

June 29, 2022

No matter your summer home’s style or size, there’s no place like it for entertaining and enjoying the outdoors with family and friends. But just like your main house, it’s important to maintain your summer home year-round — including paying attention to its roof. 

Here are some of the best roofing options to consider when choosing a roof for your summer home. 

Metal Roofing

Metal roofs are highly durable, incredibly energy-efficient, and low maintenance — all perks that make them a great choice for your summer home. They can also come in a wide variety of styles, so you’re sure to find one that matches your house and style.

Slate Roofing

Sturdy and attractive, slate has been used as a roofing material since ancient Roman times. However, many people are reluctant to use it because of its higher cost than other materials. Consider using slate tiles if you want a rustic yet modern look for your summer home or cabin! Not only will they provide great insulation, but you can even find ones with beautiful artwork integrated into them! 

Wood Shingles

There’s no question that wood shingles are a beautiful addition to any house. The rustic charm they offer works well with any style and is relatively low-maintenance, though you will have to seal them every three to five years or so. They also hold up better in windy areas because of their natural weight. So it will be fine if your summer home is always getting those beach winds! 

Natural Building Materials

While these aren’t ideal for houses with a higher probability of inclement weather, they can help keep your summer home cooler in hot months. Consider installing natural building materials, such as turf shingles or reeds, if you live in an area that gets very warm and would like to reduce air conditioning costs by allowing heat to escape from your roof.

Roofing Experts of Norwalk

Our team of experienced and professional roofing contractors looks forward to serving Connecticut residents’ roofing needs. We can thoroughly examine the roof, identify the underlying problem, and make the needed corrections. Homeowners who notice any preceding concerns are urged to contact us as soon as possible.