Roof Maintenance Tasks For Summer

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Roof Maintenance Tasks For Summer

June 14, 2022

Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean that there isn’t plenty of maintenance that needs to be done on your roof! The more time you take to do some basic maintenance tasks now, the less you’ll have to worry about fixing leaks and other problems once the temperature gets warmer and the rain storms start rolling in. Take a look at these four important tasks you should be doing on your roof this summer.

Schedule Seasonal Inspections

Although you don’t have to inspect your roof every day, it is good practice to schedule a seasonal inspection. Like how you would check your tire pressure before hitting winter weather, it’s smart to get on top of any potential issues before they become bigger. The best time to do so is in spring when temperatures are more moderate.

Keep up with Repairs

Skipping maintenance on a home is one of the quickest ways to fall into financial trouble. It’s often easier to put off a roof repair or gutter cleaning, but you could end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on repairs. 

A general rule is that if you can see the damage, it’s time to act — and by acting now, you’ll be able to avoid much larger (and costlier) issues down the road.

Clean Gutters Properly

One of summer’s biggest headaches is a clogged gutter. This can lead to water flowing over your roof, which can damage your house, as well as mold and rot inside. Cleaning out your gutters throughout the warmer months is a summertime project that can help prevent such problems.

Waterproof Under The Shingles

Summer is no stranger to heavy rain and thunderstorms. Shingles are designed to resist water damage, but they can’t do their job if your roof isn’t waterproof. 

Waterproofing beneath your shingles should be done annually. This prevents your roof from becoming a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and mold that can hurt your health and lower its lifespan.

Roofing Experts of Norwalk

Our team of experienced and professional roofing contractors looks forward to serving Connecticut residents’ roofing needs. We can thoroughly examine the roof, identify the underlying problem, and make the needed corrections. Homeowners who notice any preceding concerns are urged to contact us as soon as possible.