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How a Missing Tile Affects Home Defense

April 17, 2018

You have heard the proverb, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” This proverb, while typically used in reference to a group of people working together or for the strength of a logical argument, takes on a whole other meaning when referencing a roof. Many people believe one missing roof tile is not a big deal, but the reality of a missing tile or shingle is serious.

One Missing Tile Can Make the Rest Obsolete

Imagine a multi-faceted defense system where all of its parts must function together to successfully guard a precious treasure. If one of the security measures of the system breaks, the whole system is obsolete, and the treasure is put at risk. In regards to your house, the roof is the defense system, and the treasure is your home. If a single tile is out of place, guess what you will have in your home the next time it storms on your roof—rain in its interior. What can rain in the interior of your home do? Force repair costs worth thousands of dollars as a result of moldy wood and other parts of your home. Let’s go through a timeline of possible outcomes of an unpatched roof:

  1. Your roof has a missing tile.
  2. A storm hits your house and dumps rain onto your home.
  3. Typically, your home is impervious to rain, but because of the missing tile, rain leaks into your house.
  4. This leak causes your home’s interior to become soaked with rain.
  5. As the interior of your home sees no sunlight, and is in a cool and damp place, mold and rot festers as a result of the rain.
  6. This rot impacts the integrity of your home’s structure.
  7. You will have to replace the structure of the interior of your home to ensure it doesn’t collapse on itself from the rot.
  8. You will be out tens of thousands of dollars all because of one missing tile.

Clearly this process doesn’t happen overnight, but the reality is that it can happen in a couple of months depending on the season and your home’s local. Don’t make a mistake you will regret, get your tile fixed by JM Roofing & Siding. We will ensure that your home’s defense can continue doing its job so you and your family can stay safe.