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Staying Safe While on Your Roof

April 9, 2018

No matter how protective your roof is, at some point in time you will need to perform routine maintenance. Although roof maintenance may seem like an easy job, thousands of Americans are injured in roof-related accidents every year. For this reason we have complied a number of safety tips that will help you stay safe while on top of your roof.

Never Work in Extreme Weather Conditions

Although summer days may seem like a good time to work on your roof, shingles dry out and become brittle when exposed to the sun for hours on-end. On the other hand, during cold seasons, your shingles may become brittle due to freezing temperatures. Therefore, the best time to work on your roof is during weeks where mild temperatures are the norm.

Wear Soft-Soled Footwear for Traction

Although your steel-toed boots are great for construction work, the typically hard-soled bottoms may cause you to fall off your roof. While hard-soled bottoms can help your feet during other projects, it is better to pass on these shoes while working up in the air. In fact, experts suggest that you use soft-soled footwear for any roofing project you engage in. Traction is better than support for roofing projects, so make sure you leave your hard-soles in the closet.

 Always Have Three Points of Contact While on a Ladder

When climbing a ladder, best practice dictates that you should always have three points of contact on the ladder at all times. Three points of contact means having a total of two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand on the ladder. If a job requires that you use both of your hands while on a ladder, it may be time to think of a safer solution. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of workers are injured while using ladders every year, but if you follow this rule, the chances of you joining their ranks is significantly lowered.

Hopefully these tips help you protect yourself against injury while maintaining and cleaning your roof. Stay safe out there!