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Summer Energy Saving Tips

May 8, 2017

It’s no surprise that the summer is most people’s favorite season. After all, who doesn’t love warm weather, barbecues, relaxing on the beach, and fresh fruit? But, while there are a million reasons to love summer, there is one big reason to fear its arrival — your energy bill. This year, before you decide to rip your air conditioners out of the wall, look to these energy saving tips to help get you through the summer.

JM Roofing Summer energy saving tips

Wash your clothes in cold water. Not only is cold water less expensive to use, it will also keep your clothes brighter and in better condition.

Unplug large appliances. Even when your TV or air conditioner is turned off, it still uses power. If you’re going away for a night or more this summer, make sure to unplug your larger appliances.

Open and close your blinds throughout the day. When the sun is up during the day, keep your blinds closed to prevent heat from coming in. At the end of the day, open them back up to expel any heat in the house.

Keep your water heater at 120 degrees. Especially in the summer, when people prefer cooler showers, don’t waste energy trying to keep your water really hot.

Run your fans counterclockwise. On a hot day, the first thing most of us reach for is the chain to the ceiling fan. But did you know that there is a right and wrong way to run a fan? During the summer, your fan should be rotating counterclockwise, so that it pulls hot air up and expels cool air down.

Seal all “air leaks” or cracks in your siding. If your siding is cracked, or it doesn’t line up perfectly with your windows and doors, the cool air in your home can easily escape through these leaks.

Consider “cool roofs” for next season. While we know this isn’t as easy as pulling your drapes open and closed, metal roofs (also known as cool roofs) are excellent at reflecting sunlight, instead of absorbing it. If you’re thinking of installing a new roof within the next few years, this is definitely one to consider!


To learn more about your siding and metal roofing options, call us today at 203-299-0716 and request a FREE ESTIMATE. Let our roofing and siding experts help you stay cool all summer long.