Signs Wind Has Damaged Your Roof

Home roof damage

Roofs are made to be sturdy and withstand any extreme weather conditions — but sometimes, some intense storms can put your home’s structure to the test. High-speed winds that accompany some tempests can cause significant damage to your roof. 

Not sure if you’re facing any issues after the clouds pass? Here are some telltale signs that intense winds have ruined your roofing. 

Shingles Are Missing

Notice your roof might be missing something important — it’s shingles? One of the most common signs of wind damage is missing or damaged shingles, which can be seen from ground level. With intense enough breezes, your shingles can lift and detach from your roof, leaving your underlayment unprotected and exposed. 

Schedule a roof inspection and repair services as soon as possible if you notice this problem, as your shingles are made to be the protective barrier between the outside and your home. You won’t want to have these kinds of exposed areas open for too long! 

Flashing Damage Around Chimneys and Pipes

The flashing around your chimney, pipes, and skylights can be at risk during large storms. High winds can lift the material and cause the metal flashing to split and break off. If you notice any parts missing or have a sneaking suspicion that damage could have happened, have a professional take a look ASAP. You don’t want the cracks between your shingles and exhaust pipes to be open for water and little critters to enter. 

Gutter Damage

Your gutters play a huge part in keeping your home and roof dry during rainstorms by allowing for a steady water flow. Gutters can normally stand up to wind, but severe cases do happen. If you notice something off about your drainage, it can also be a clear indication of damage on other parts of your roof, so a general maintenance check should be performed. 

Fallen Debris

Probably the most obvious and dangerous sign of roof damage after a large storm is if you find significant fallen debris all over it. While little branches here and there won’t be too much of an issue, a knocked-down tree or powerline says a lot. Your roof will need repair or maintenance after an event like this occurs. 

Roofing Experts of Norwalk

Our team of experienced and professional roofing contractors looks forward to serving Connecticut residents’ roofing needs. We can thoroughly examine the roof, identify the underlying problem, and make the needed corrections. Homeowners who notice any preceding concerns are urged to contact us as soon as possible.

Hurricane Season Dos and Don’ts

We’re still in the midst of hurricane season, and although nothing major has passed through Long Island yet, it can never hurt to be prepared. Whether that’s with an emergency preparedness kit or just remembering some important dos and don’ts for getting through the storm, the more you prepare, the better off you’ll be. 

So we’ve got a full breakdown of all the dos and don’ts for before, during, and after these powerful storms! 

Dos Before The Hurricane Hits

If you’re aware of a big storm heading your way, take the necessary precautions to plan for its arrival. Do: 

  • Create an emergency preparedness kit with essential items such as water, batteries, flashlights, medication, First Aid Kit, mobile chargers, important items from home, and a battery-powered radio. 
  • Be aware of any evacuation routes for your area. Listen to officials if you’re being told to evacuate! 
  • Fill up on gas for your cars and if you have a gasoline-powered generator. 
  • Put away any outdoor items that could blow away and create hazardous conditions. 
  • Turn off your propane tanks. 
  • Ensure your gutters and downspouts are free of debris and leaves so water can flow easily. 
  • Add protective layers over your windows to prevent breakage. 
  • Ensure your home and roof are sealed properly. 

Don’ts During The Storm

  • Don’t ignore local government evacuation orders, especially if the storm intensifies. 
  • Don’t run generators indoors or in a closed space. 
  • Don’t linger near your windows, even if they have been covered. 
  • Avoid areas in your home where big trees are near. 
  • Combat any electrocution worry by avoiding electrical equipment. 
  • Flooding isn’t always gradual — even in a building with a floodplain basement, water can flow in quickly. 
  • Unless local authorities have deemed the water from the tap safe, try to stick to water bottles. 
  • Do not go in standing water. 
  • Try to avoid driving at all costs — it’s important to stay inside. 
  • Don’t panic. If you plan ahead of time and watch weather announcements and local government statements, you’ll be able to stay updated on the strength and danger of the storm. 

Dos After The Storm

  • If you lose power for a long time, keep your fridge cold for as long as possible by keeping the doors closed. 
  • Avoid buildings that smell like gas. 
  • Watch for any download power lines or structural damage. 
  • Take pictures for insurance purposes. 
  • At the first sign of water damage, immediately make the necessary calls to fix this before it leads to long-term mold issues. 
  • Check your roof and make sure no shingles were damaged during the storm — and if so, ensure you make the right emergency calls to get them repaired. 
  • Check your siding for any damage — the sooner it’s fixed, the better. 

Contact Us Today For Roofing and Siding Services In Norwalk, CT

The best way to up your curb appeal this season is by investing in comprehensive roofing and siding services. The JM Roofing and Siding experts are licensed and insured to serve you in Norwalk, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free estimate!

Storm Damage Roof Repair Steps

Home with storm damage

Storms can happen anytime, but spring and summer are the seasons with the most activity. Strong storms can cause severe damage to your roof and make it difficult for you to live comfortably in your home. If you want to get a head start on storm season, here is what you need to know about how best to get started on repairing damaged roofs:

Get a Damage Estimate

After a huge storm rolls through, you may notice some shingles are broken from your roof or that your home is experiencing some leaks. The first step is to get an estimate for the damages and repairs needed, which can be done by a professional contractor or your insurance company. 

Contact The Professionals

Emergency roof repair prevents small damages from becoming catastrophes. You should obtain emergency roof repair immediately after the storm has passed when you have a major leak or puncture from a storm. This is critical to lessen the impact of the damage and also necessary to file a claim with your insurance company within a certain time frame. With same-day service available, prompt recovery is possible.

Not all types of storm damage require emergency roof repair. Things like degranulation of your asphalt shingles or denting a metal roof are great indicators that damage has been done. We still recommend calling and scheduling an appointment.

Assess Damaged Materials

Try to identify if any of the damaged materials are still usable. If so, it may be more cost-effective to simply fix what needs fixing instead of replacing everything at once. In either case, before beginning work on repairing storm damage, make sure to assess the damaged materials. 

Take Preventive Steps For Next Time

Inspect your roof before the next storm arrives, and identify any damaged areas that could lead to leaks or worse. You’ll want to find and fix these before they become major problems during an intense storm.

Roofing Experts of Norwalk

Our team of experienced and professional roofing contractors looks forward to serving Connecticut residents’ roofing needs. We can thoroughly examine the roof, identify the underlying problem, and make the needed corrections. Homeowners who notice any preceding concerns are urged to contact us as soon as possible.

Rain vs. Your Roof: What You Need to Know

Rain is a beautiful thing, but when it falls on your roof in heavy amounts constantly, the water can be destructive. In fact, homeowners who have their roofs inspected and repaired before the rainy season will be happy they did. 

Homeowners are often concerned about what to do with their homes after a heavy storm passes through and leaves them soaked in water. What should you look for? What’s at risk? How much does it cost to fix up my home? Here are some helpful tips from our experts:

Get Your Roof Prepared

After a heavy storm has passed through and left your home soaked in water, what do you do? What about the rainy season, when heavy showers are expected to occur more often? The answer is simple: have your roof inspected and repaired before the rainy season. 

There’s still time before this spring gets even more intense, so it’s essential that you get in touch with your local roofing company to ensure your home is ready to take on heavy amounts of liquid. Then, where do you go from there?

Avoiding Mold and Leaks

We all know that heavy storms can damage your home, but many people don’t realize that water on your roof can cause leaks and mold growth. Leaks and mold growth are detrimental to the integrity of your home. From health hazards to structure problems — now is the time to take action to protect your family. Here are some steps you can take to prevent these: 

  • Check your roof after every storm.
  • Inspect your attic regularly for signs of water damage or mold growth.
  • Make sure gutters and downspouts drain properly.

Gutter Maintenance

Gutters are an important part of your humble abode that you should not overlook. If they are clogged with leaves or debris, water will be unable to get out of the gutters and down the pipes. This can lead to water seeping into your walls or pooling on top of them. It is important to ensure that this does not happen by taking a few minutes each week to clean them out, especially before you know a big rainstorm is on its way. If you live in an area with constant heavy rain, consider getting a roofer to install some extra protection like drip edge or gutter guards on your home. 

Know Your Emergency Roofing Contact 

If anything does go wrong, from leaks to mold, having a professional roofing contractor on dial is essential. That is why our JM Roofing and Siding team offers emergency roof repair for any situation! 

Emergency roof repair prevents small damages from becoming catastrophes. Our residential roofing company provides same-day service that stops water in its tracks. We will get to your house and inspect the rooftop as soon as it’s safe. Most importantly, we eliminate any leaks currently penetrating your home to prevent the extensive water damage they can cause.

Roofing Experts of Norwalk

Our team of experienced and professional roofing contractors looks forward to serving Connecticut residents’ roofing needs. We can thoroughly examine the roof, identify the underlying problem, and make the needed corrections. Homeowners who notice any preceding concerns are urged to contact us as soon as possible.

Hail Damage on Your Roof

Hail on roof on home

Every time it starts to hail, homeowners wonder if their roof will be in one piece when the storm is over. If you’re lucky enough that your shingles didn’t get hit with any major damage, then you might not have to worry about fixing anything on your roof for a while. But what if they did? Well, there’s no need to panic.

Here are some of the ways hail can damage your roof and how a professional can help you protect your home in the event of an emergency. 

Shingle Damage

The severity of the damage to your shingles depends on how large the hailstones are. If they’re too small, it will only leave superficial scratches that won’t go through the shingle layer and reach the underlayment. However, if they’re larger than 2 inches, there’s a good chance it will crack your shingles and loosen or tear them off completely.

Leaks and Water Damage

Since hail has been known to crack shingles and loosen or tear off shingles completely, this leaves your roof vulnerable to more hail or other weather conditions in the future. The results? Water leaks and even worse situations could occur for you down the line! You want to avoid water damage, from mold growth to rotten wood, at all costs. 

Other Kinds of Damage

Hail can cause all sorts of damage to your roof. It’s more than just surface-level scratching and denting; hail can also rip shingles off completely, strip away insulation, and break windows if they’re close enough to the point of impact. Hail causes tens of billions in property damage every year. 

That’s why our team at JM Roofing and Siding is here for any and all roofing emergencies and installation needs. We’re here to ensure your home is protected and ready for strong weather patterns every season. 

Roofing Replacement in Norwalk, CT

When you need your roofing system replaced so it is safe for your family, you need to hire the best contractor possible. The JM Roofing and Siding experts are licensed and insured to serve you in Norwalk, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free estimate!