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Why Is My Siding Bubbling?

August 24, 2020

One common summer siding issue that many homeowners notice during the warmer summer months is bubbling and bulging. Though this could be due to the result of direct sunlight, there could be a few other causes. Here’s what to keep an eye out for: 

Too Close To a Heat Source

While siding such as vinyl is made to withstand heavy amounts of heat and sunlight, artificial heat may be the cause of your bubbling. This is the case in which a barbecue or a fire pit is too close to your siding. Direct heat like this will warp the material and cause the bubbling that you are seeing, so it’s best to keep artificial heat a safe distance away from your home. 

Unlucky Lighting 

While direct sunlight doesn’t hurt your siding as much, if sunlight were to reflect off of neighbor’s windows and doors and onto your siding, that’s a whole other story. This kind of direct heat will cause bubbling and warping, hurting your vinyl more than you realize. 

Water Damage

One downside to summer besides the extreme heat is the extreme weather. We often see days full of heavy rain. And, if your siding is already damaged or not properly installed, that water may lead to costly water damage. This is what will cause bubbling, but also plenty of other issues. In a case involving water damage, bubbling is the least of your concerns. 

Siding Experts of Norwalk

When it comes to ensuring your siding lasts and is safe for your family, you need to hire the best contractor possible. The experts at JM Roofing and Siding are licensed and insured to serve you in Norwalk, Connecticut and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free estimate!