Copper Roofing: Cost, Benefits, And More

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Copper Roofing: Cost, Benefits, And More

May 26, 2022

Copper roofing is an increasingly popular choice for homeowners to give their humble abodes a more traditional and natural look. However, many people are unsure of the benefits and costs associated with copper roofing. Our team is here to discuss these factors and provide you with some information on how to maintain your new copper roof. 

Benefits of Copper Roofing

The first benefit of copper roofing is that it can last as long as 50 years, making it a great investment. Copper doesn’t fade or peel like other types of material, and there are no worries about discoloration from mold or algae growth. Another advantage to this type of roofing is that it will not dent easily, so you don’t have to worry about repairs down the road. 

Copper is known for its long-lasting durability and will last longer than other types of roofs. It also has the benefit of looking great on any type of house, whether traditional or modern.

Costs of Copper Roofing

Depending on the size of your project, pricing may vary. However, usually, copper roofing tends to lean a bit more on the expensive side. Not only that, but maintenance costs might add up. Most homes or businesses will have to go through a process called “wet cleaning” every few years, which requires hiring a professional company. Keep in mind that there are many different styles available that you can choose from and more expensive and less expensive options depending on what you’re looking for in roofing material. 

More About Copper Roofing

Copper is an amazing conductor of heat, which means that your home will stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. You can also install solar panels on top of copper roofs to harness more energy. 

You can use them to enhance your home’s curb appeal, provide great insulation, and copper lasts much longer than other types of roofs.

Roofing Experts of Norwalk

Our team of experienced and professional roofing contractors looks forward to serving Connecticut residents’ roofing needs. We can thoroughly examine the roof, identify the underlying problem, and make the needed corrections. Homeowners who notice any preceding concerns are urged to contact us as soon as possible.