Safety Tips For Taking Down Holiday Decorations

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Safety Tips For Taking Down Holiday Decorations

December 29, 2021

The holidays have come and gone, and just like that, all your decorations are suddenly outdated. Some homeowners leave up their lights into the new year, but the sooner you take everything down, the fewer chores you’ll have in January. And while you’re taking down your decorations, it’s essential to always keep safety in mind. Here are some tips to follow to ensure a safe and healthy start to your new year. 

Do Not Climb Ladders Alone

A ladder will be an essential part of the process when you need to climb up to reach high up lights and décor. However, for your safety, you should never climb a ladder alone. During winter, the ground could be feeble due to ice or snow. Not only that, the colder weather could make movement more difficult, so having a climbing buddy will be the best way to ensure safety while using a ladder. 

Wear The Appropriate Gear

Ensure you wear gloves and sturdy footwear while taking down your outdoor holiday decorations. This way, you’ll be protected from both the weather and any dangerous conditions caused by the tools you use. 

Electrical Safety

It would be best to always keep electrical safety in mind with any light up and electrical equipment. When taking them down, always unplug your lights and inflatables before removing them from the socket. If you have any cords, make sure they are completely unplugged before handling them or putting them away. Be aware of electric shock hazards from plugging new items into outlets that still have power running through them.

Protect Your Roofing and Siding

Some decorations more commonly cause issues for your roofing or siding than others. Whether they were not installed correctly or are in critical positions that make it difficult to take down — it’s important to avoid any damage to your roof’s shingles and gutters or vinyl siding. And if any damage does occur, our team here at JM Roofing is ready to help. 

Contact Us Today For Roofing and Siding Services In Norwalk, CT

The best way to up your curb appeal this season is by investing in comprehensive roofing and siding services. The JM Roofing and Siding experts are licensed and insured to serve you in Norwalk, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free estimate!