Signs of a Bad Roofing Installation

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Signs of a Bad Roofing Installation

October 7, 2021

You have been putting money aside to fix and replace your old roof; after months of research, you finally decide to hire a roofing company but, once the job is done, you realize that the issues persist and some new ones have appeared. Unfortunately, you might be dealing with the consequences of a bad roofing job.  

Here are three signs of a bad roofing job to look out for:

1. The Roof Does Not Have a Uniform Appearance.

If you notice a lack of uniformity in the appearance of your new roof, you might have been the victim of a bad roofing job. Looking at your roof is the easiest way to determine whether the company you hired to repair or replace your roof did a solid job. 

Mismatched shingles or differences in the materials used are major indicators that your roof wasn’t installed by a quality contractor.  

2. You Notice Water Leak Stains.

Water leaks are another major sign of a bad roofing job. Typically, water stains adopt a dark color and are easily noticeable. The good news is that, if you act quickly, these leaks can often be repaired. 

Contact a new roofing contractor and ask for an inspection of the roof and the attic for further signs of leakage. 

3. The Flashing Looks Incomplete.

Drip edge flashing is the material that roofers install around the edge of a roof; it should always be a part of a complete roofing job. The main function of drip edge flashing is to prevent water damage by redirecting any moisture towards the gutter system. Additionally, it can fight off problems such as mold, rot, stains, and foundation issues.

If missing, you could start experiencing some of these problems. Spotting missing drip edge flashing can be complicated and we suggest you call a reputable roofer to perform an inspection.  

Contact Us If You See Signs of Bad Roofing

Preventing a bad roofing job is easy as long as you make sure you use a good and reputable roofing company. 

JM Roofing & Siding is a family-owned and operated residential roofing and siding contractor serving the New Canaan, Greenwich and Norwalk areas of Fairfield County. We have been providing our clients with comprehensive roofing and siding services for over 15 years. Feel free to contact us or request a free estimate on our website.