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Prepping Your Home for Winter

December 31, 2019

When the weather outside begins to get rough and snow begins to fall from the sky, it can be easy to bundle up in your warmest jacket and put on your heaviest boots to protect yourself from the cold. However, the same can’t be said for your home. On the contrary, you need to take a few steps to prep your home for winter in order to ensure the structure’s safe and ready to provide you comfort for months to come.

How to Prep Your Home for Winter

Check Your Heating System

The last thing you want to have happen is for your heating system just stopped working in the middle of a cold night. by having your unit inspected by a professional, you can fix small problems before they get worse, ensure the system runs efficiently, and prevent a future breakdown.

Prepare Your Fireplace

If you plan on letting a few fires throughout the winter months, you’ll need to make sure your fireplace is ready to do so. Have it thoroughly cleaned, make sure the damper is open, and have the chimney inspected to ensure there are no air gaps that would allow for drafts or smoke to remain in your home.

Winterize Your Pipes

Especially in our Northeast climate, your pipes are much at risk for freezing up during winter. Consider insulating exposed pipes in your home, and slightly open any exterior faucets so the small water drip will prevent the spouts from freezing.

Inspect Your Home’s Exterior

If you have any cracks, holes, or other damage to your siding or Roofing, you may run the risk of drafts or water damage affecting your home. Before harsh weather hits, have repairs made to your home’s exterior to prevent future problems.

For 15 years, JM Roofing & Siding has been a family-owned and operated residential roofing and siding contractor serving the New Canaan, Greenwich, and Norwalk areas of Fairfield County. From complete roof installations and replacements to siding repair and installation, you can count on us for exceptional service.