Summer is Ending, What is Next For Your Siding?

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Summer is Ending, What is Next For Your Siding?

July 29, 2020

Fall is coming in faster than you realize, and summer is nearing its end. Although it’s sad to say goodbye to this warm, sunny season, it’s also time to say hello to seasonal home maintenance checks. When it comes to your siding, the transition from warm to cool temperatures isn’t always the easiest thing to deal with.

Especially when you lack the proper knowledge of potential dangers. Here’s what every Connecticut homeowner should keep an eye out for during the transition from summer to fall:

Potential Cracking

It’s been an exceptionally hot few weeks, and that extra warmth can cause your siding to expand. But as cooler temperatures start to hit, your siding can begin to contract instead. To go from expanding to contracting suddenly means that some cracks and buckling can occur. Openings in your siding leads to leaks and critters inside your home, so if cracking occurs, make sure to call a professional ASAP. 

Full Gutters Are Bad For Your Siding

As the seasons transition, you’ll notice that the trees around your home change colors and start to fall. Due to how many trees you have on your property, those leaves can land right in your gutters. When your gutters are full, they can’t drain properly and can end up overflowing over the sides of your house, hurting your siding. Heavy rainfall can cause significant damage both inside and outside your home, so keep watch of your gutters as summer ends. 

Never Too Late to Replace Your Siding

When summer ends you will say goodbye to air conditioners and hello to heating. There is a nice in-between period where it’s comfortable enough outside for neither, but that doesn’t last forever. If your siding is old and damaged, it might not do a good job with keeping heat inside your house. As nights get colder, you’ll want to make sure you replace that old siding and even consider adding insulation. 

Connecticut Experts in Siding

When it comes to ensuring your siding lasts and is safe for your family, you need to hire the best contractor possible. The experts at JM Roofing and Siding are licensed and insured to serve you in Norwalk, Connecticut and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free estimate!