Tips for Lighting Your Home for the Holidays

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Tips for Lighting Your Home for the Holidays

November 21, 2019

Now that the holiday season has arrived, you’re probably getting all of the boxes of decorations down from the attic to deck the halls of your home. And if you’re like most people, one of your main tools in decorating is holiday lights. While they can definitely add some beautiful flare to your home, holiday lights also come with their fair share of safety issues.

In order to keep your home safe this season, here are a few tips to follow while lighting the place up.

Tips for Using Holiday Lights

Check the Lights First

When you first take them out of storage, inspect your lights and all the attached wiring. Have any of the bulbs cracked or broken, or do any of the wires seem frayed? Since damaged lights can be dangerous, avoid using these when decorating.

Ensure Outdoor Safety

Not all holiday lights are safe to use outdoors — and if you use indoor-only lights outside, you could risk a safety hazard. When buying new lights, make sure they are suitable for outdoor use. If you buy some that are not, exchange them or simply keep them inside.

Careful with Extension Cords

Like holiday lights themselves, not all extension cords are safe to use outdoors. Only certain models are designed to handle outdoor weather, so using one that it not could result in a number of problems. Also, use these cords sparingly. Hooking up several extension cords to each other can result in a short circuit.

Be Gentle with Cords

When hanging lights on your gutters or other parts of your home, carefully do so with staples or plastic clips. Avoid puncturing any wires as this can cause electrical hazards. Additionally, if you’re plugging the lights into an indoor outlet, make sure you’re not closing any doors or windows on them, as this can damage the cord as well.

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