Plants You Shouldn’t Have Near Your Home’s Siding

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Plants You Shouldn’t Have Near Your Home’s Siding

June 21, 2017

Plants improve the look and feel of any home. But while adding greenery to your front and backyard is great for your home’s curb appeal and the environment, you should make sure you’re not sacrificing functionality for beauty. If you’re looking to brighten up your home with a few plants this summer, here are a few you might want to cross off the list.

Plants You Shouldn't Have Near Your Home's Siding


For those of you who love the look and feel of an Old English home, ivy can add beautiful texture and color to a traditional home. But, that beauty may come at a cost. Ivy is a fast growing vine plant and can work its way into even the smallest cracks between your bricks and vinyl siding. With enough time, ivy can begin to crack the foundation and walls of your house.

Ivy has also been known to attract unwanted insects and pests, since their structure makes it easy for squirrels and other rodents to climb into your attic. 


Shrubs look beautiful when they’re lining the driveway of your house, or planted in the flower garden in your backyard, but shrubs sitting right beside your home isn’t a good idea. Because they grow thick and quickly, they can scrape against and mark-up your siding.


Overgrown tree roots cost homeowners millions of dollars in structural and roofing damages every year. A good rule of thumb for trees is to plant them no less than 30 feet away from your house. But it’s not just tree limbs and roots you need to be on the lookout for. Some mature trees drink as much as 300 gallons of water a day. Overtime, all that water can saturate and weaken the soil and foundation under your house.

At JM Roofing and Siding, the siding and roofing we install will protect your home, save energy, enhance the value of your property, and last for years. Whether you’re looking to replace or update your home’s fixtures, we’ve got your house covered! For more information, give us a call at 203-299-0716.